

For a slim, sleek and sophisticated physique that is not overly muscular

Using Perfect Form is Overrated?

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When I first began lifting weights,

I was approached by an older guy in the gym who critiqued my form on barbell curls.

I was using an Olympic bar and curling in the squat rack.

At that time I didn't realize this was a MAJOR pet peeve of some people.

Bodybuilding forums love to discuss this and even make joke memes, etc.

This older guy wasn't criticizing me for curling in the squat rack.

He just said I was using too much momentum when doing my barbell curls.

So he told me to lighten up the weight and walk over to the wall and curl while making sure my back stayed in contact with the wall the whole time.

Instead of using 95 pounds, I had to lighten the weight to 70 pounds.

I immediately felt less of a contraction.

He approached me later and said, "I bet you can really feel the biceps doing the work now can't you?"

I gave him a fake smile and said "Uh yeah."

It got awkward because this guy trained at the same time as me each day.

I didn't want to do his stupid wall curls (nobody puts baby in a corner).


I also didn't want him to see me not following his advice.

He was in great shape.

...but I decided to go back to my original curling method.

"I Did it Myyyyyy Way!"

He never gave me advice again.

I didn't want his advice anyway.

For him, curling with his back against the wall was an amazing way to work his biceps.

i wasn't a fan.

To this day, when I do barbell curls, I still give it a bit of a swing.

The reason I use slight momentum in the beginning is to challenge my biceps at the strongest point.

I follow this up with a stricter light movement to make sure the whole bicep gets worked properly.

We all have different limb lengths, leverage advantages and disadvantages.

This means the way we perform exercises will vary a bit.

We will feel exercises differently as well.

Take the Zercher Squat for instance.

To me, this just looks like unnecessary arm torture!

Why would I squat with the bar resting inside my arms like that?

I don't care if it hits the core better...

I get queasy with blood stuff.

So if I bruise an arm vein, it is lights out for me.

Nobody wants the see that.


Front squats feel like shoulder torture to me and I don't even feel it in my legs at all.

Some people swear by front squats.

Just as proper form varies from person to person, so does exercise selection.

My book "12 Weeks Physical Transformation Journey"... allows for full flexibility when it comes to exercise selection.

You can use a mix of barbells, dumbbells and machines.

I outline a ton of exercises to choose from, but you can even use exercises I haven't listed in the courses.

I won't even stop you from curling with your back against the wall or bruising the insides of your arms while squatting.

Full freedom here.

Keeping Fit is an adventurous journey and nothing gives us a kick than being a part of your journey..

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