

For a slim, sleek and sophisticated physique that is not overly muscular

Lifting Weights the Next 90+ Years?

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"How long do you think you will live?"

Most people posted between 80 - 100 years.

One guy wrote "150 years, MINIMUM".

This took me by surprise, but technology is moving fast.

We already know how to extend life a bit.


Advancements in technology aren't linear.

With the acceleration of machine learning, it is possible that AI will crack the aging code in our lifetime.

...or possibly come close.

There is a point in the future that some scientists call "the singularity", where machines will be able to solve more problems in a millisecond than humans did in the 20th and 21st century.

Nobody knows for sure if the singularity will happen.

I'm a sci-fi movie geek, so I follow this stuff for entertainment.

One thing is certain...

We should be able to gradually extend life as technology advances.

So possibly, someone who is 40 now could live to 120.

Maybe that will be the norm?

I have no idea.

The world has changed quite a bit from 1987, the year I was born.

The next 30+ years could have 1,000X the technological advances.

What if many of us do wind up living to 120?

If you are 30 that means you have 90 years of workouts ahead of you.

Are you training with a long term outlook?

For instance...

Does a 495 pound deep squat sound like something you would want to do if feeling good 50 years from now is the goal?

This is an impressive amount of weight to squat.

...but at some point chasing weight does more harm than good.



Squatting too deep for your structure, especially with heavy weight, will damage your body.

Lift weights with the future in mind.

No need to push past failure.

...and you can get stronger without maxing out or using crazy weight,

Those people pushing insane weights today are likely going to be messed up for decades.

I don't want that to happen to you.



Keeping Fit is an adventurous journey and nothing gives us a kick than being a part of your journey..

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