

For a slim, sleek and sophisticated physique that is not overly muscular

Do You Need to Train Your Arms Directly?

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I always like to include SOME arm training when working out, but this isn't always necessary for everybody.


For instance, if you do a lot of vertical pulling exercises, like pull-ups and chin-ups, you probably could get away with not doing direct biceps exercises.



Some studies show biceps get worked harder with pull-ups than they do with direct biceps exercises like curls.


If you do a lot of pull-ups?


There is probably no need to work biceps.


The same can't be said for horizontal pulling exercises (rows).


So cable rows don't work the biceps as well as curling exercises.



I think biceps training is fun, so I enjoy doing a few sets of a couple of exercises each workout.


If your time is limited, however, you can get away with very little direct biceps training.


What about triceps?


They get worked hard with pushing exercises.



I still recommend at least a few sets of direct triceps training.


These increase the mind-to-muscle link so you will be able to generate stronger contractions when you work any pressing movement.


This is a problem spot for women in particular as they grow older.


I'd recommend making it a priority.


That being said, if your arms already look the way you like, not need to hit them with extra work.


One of the things I emphasize in my courses is avoiding exercises that target muscle groups that are already overdeveloped.



For instance,  I recommend that women avoid squats and deadlifts if their quads are bulky.


Things like running stairs or doing cardio on the StepMill machine, work the glutes without bulking up their legs.

I'm not against squats...


...but why do them if your legs are already bigger than you would like?


This same rule applies to any exercise.


In summary...


Add arm exercises if you feel they need some work.


Skip arm exercises if you feel they are getting worked well enough on compound movements.


Seems logical to me :)


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