There are a few guys in my gym who are muscular and super strong...
...but many of them almost look pregnant.
Some are powerlifters.
I guess if the gut sticks our far enough, you don't have to lower the bar as far in a bench press.
About 2 years ago a guy built just like this wanted to fight me for unloading the bench press bar.
The bench was unattended for over 10 minutes and I assumed whoever was using it was gone.
Here's the thing that sticks with me the most.
As he pushed me, he bumped into me with his stomach... and his fat stomach was as hard as a rock.
I wasn't stupid enough to fight him.
This angry powerlifter had VISCERAL fat.
The reason why his belly was firm, was that much of the fat he carried was under the ab muscles surrounding the organs.
Here's a diagram which shows the difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat.
I personally get a little bit of belly fat.
Mine is the squishy subcutaneous fat right under the skin.
Visceral fat is different.
It's a dangerous fat.
The good news is that it can be lost rapidly with diet and exercise.
This type of fat responds exceptionally well to EXERCISE in particular.
Exercise even outperforms medicine.
In a recent meta-analysis study published by the Mayo Clinic comparing exercise to medicine when it came to losing visceral fat.
“When we analyzed all the trial data together, we found that exercise interventions were associated with a greater relative reduction in visceral fat compared with pharmacological interventions.
Visceral fat surrounds the heart and other organs.
If you get the heart rate up with some type of cardio exercise for an extended time, this type of fat will melt away.
Minimizing visceral fat should be a priority if you want to live a long healthy life.
A proper diet is just part of the equation.
Exercise is what will keep your organs healthy and clear of this fat.
I recommend following up all lifting sessions with at least a little bit of cardio.
12 Weeks Physical Transformation Journey is my blueprint for becoming insanely fit and lean using cardio machines in a commercial gym setting.
Perfect for clearing out unhealthy visceral fat.
One of the biggest benefits of my program?
You won't ever have to worry about fighting in the gym.
Knowing you can outrun a typical gym bro gives you a special sense of freedom and confidence.
Cardio fitness is underrated.
When the Zombie Apocalypse happens, it is the slow muscular men and women who will get taken out first.
All that protein AND easy to catch?
The Zombies are going to be all over that!