

For a slim, sleek and sophisticated physique that is not overly muscular

The ageless man I met 4 years ago

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I met John 4 years ago when I joined a gym called Anytime Fitness

My first day walking into the gym I see a 60 year-old man sweating it out on the elliptical.


He was in outstanding shape.

Greater cardio fitness = longer life

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I read an article this morning titled "No Such Thing as Too Much Exercise, Study Finds".


This article referred to a study that was published less than 24 hours ago.

Keeping Fit is an adventurous journey and nothing gives us a kick than being a part of your journey..

Opening Hours

  • Monday06:00-21:00
  • Tuesday06:00-21:00
  • Wednesday06:00-21:00
  • Thursday06:00-21:00
  • Friday06:00-21:00
  • Saturday06:00-06:00
  • Sunday Closed


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